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Workforce Centers

List of Workforce Centers
Arkansas City Affiliate Cowley County Workforce Center (620) 441-5313
Chanute Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Chanute (620) 432-0439
Colby Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Colby (785) 462-2024
Dodge City Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Dodge City (620) 227-2149
El Dorado Affiliate Butler Workforce Center (316) 771-6800
Emporia Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Emporia (620) 342-3355
Fort Scott Affiliate KANSASWORKS Fort Scott (620) 951-3565
Garden City Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Garden City (620) 276-2339
Goodland Affiliate KANSASWORKS Goodland (785) 890-2422
Great Bend Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Great Bend (620) 793-5445
Hays Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Hays (785) 625-5654
Hays Affiliate KANSASWORKS Mobile Workforce Center (785) 625-5654
Hutchinson Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Hutchinson (620) 665-3559
Independence Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Independence (620) 332-5904
Iola Affiliate KANSASWORKS Thrive Allen County (913) 937-9462
Junction City Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Junction City (785) 762-8870
Kansas City Comprehensive Wyandotte County Workforce Center (913) 279-2600
Lawrence Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Lawrence (785) 840-9675
Leavenworth Comprehensive Leavenworth County Workforce Center (913) 651-1800
Leavenworth Affiliate Leavenworth (Vet Outreach) (913) 946-1537
Lenexa Comprehensive Johnson County Workforce Center (913) 577-5900
Liberal Affiliate KANSASWORKS Liberal (620) 417-1958
Manhattan Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Manhattan (785) 539-5691
Manhattan Affiliate Manhattan Vets Center (785) 350-4920
Newton Affiliate KANSASWORKS Newton (316) 283-7000
Pittsburg Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Pittsburg (620) 231-4250
Salina Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Salina (785) 827-0385
Topeka Affiliate KANSASWORKS Eastern Mobile Workforce Center (785) 235-5627
Topeka Comprehensive KANSASWORKS Topeka (785) 235-5627
Wellington Affiliate Sumner County Workforce Center (316) 771-6800
Wichita Comprehensive Wichita Workforce Center (316) 771-6800
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