Credential(s) Offered
Associate's degree
Method of Delivery
In Person
When offered
Daytime Hours
Instructional Program (CIP)
This program is designed to help prepare people to work in the business or production areas of agriculture. Courses are selected according to student interests and needs. Upon completion of this program, most students become employees in an ag business or in agriculture production.
Entrance Requirements
High School Diploma or Equivalent
Cloud County Community College (I)
WIOA Approved Program
Training Location(s)
Local WIB
1 - Workforce Investment Area I
Type of Attainment:
Associate of Applied Science Degree
Name of Credential
Associate of Applied Science
Type of financial aid offered or have access to
Grants, Loans, Scholarships
Refund Policy
Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?
Cost Items
Graduation Fees
$35.00 Graduation and transcript fees.
In-State Tuition
$7,750.00 Full program tuition.
Out-of-State/District Tuition
$9,300.00 Full program tuition.
Supplies/Materials/Hand Tools (not included in tuition)
$1,505.00 Full program equipment, supplies, and lab fees.
Total In-State Program Cost
Total Out-of-State Program Cost